Be Your Extra Ordinary Self… Remembering our Divinity✨ Knowing that our Uniqueness is our Greatness💫

Let’s Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

Mar 19, 2024

 It is the simple things in every day life that we all take for granted. Let’s make time to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Being grateful for all of the things that are in our lives such as the people we share our time with, the experiences that help us grow and learn more about ourselves. The places that we travel to that light the way for our heart to be open and free. Look at a child that is happy, having fun experiencing the joy of life. Look at the people in your life and see their qualities, whether it agrees with you or not, they are showing your who they are at that moment, which brings in gratitude for your sheer existence, and your relationship with each person.

I can share with all that I am grateful for things, big and small for things, great and grim. It is these vast physical gifts that are present in our lives that bring us joy and a sense of acceptance. Helping us to grow and to see past our own sabotaging tendencies. I am grateful for this present moment to share all of the gifts that are present to continue lighting up my day, which helps light up our world.



Things I have Gratitude for

The sunrise

My neighbor who says hello and smiles at me,

The cat that hangs out in my backyard,

The clean air that I breathe in and out,

My family and friends

The customer service person that is angry displaying demeaning sarcasm to the customers

The new experiences that grow me

Those cold rainy days that made me cry

The clear blue sky

All Broken Systems that causes anxiety and a loss of hope 

The beautiful green trees that I see every day

The death of my father

The dogs, I see running in the park 

My divorce it helped me to learn that I did not love myself

The joy in a mother’s eye

 A world that is filled with the highs and lows of this unbound adventure of life.

I am grateful for my existence, sharing, seeing, growing, for the good of all, I am grateful, and have gratitude for all life existing so we can all come together in this wave of great adventures and wondrous explorations. These are the things that I have gratitude for 🤗